Saturday, 15 October 2011

Keeping cheerful

It has been a bit stressful on and off for the last few months. Nothing major or life-threatening but just a bit full on.  I wondered what I could write about because you don't really want to hear about me sobbing in my tea cup or hollering at the dog, or the keeping the house clean efforts, so I thought about what I have around that makes me laugh.

Just inside my kitchen door I have pinned on the wall this cutting from a newspaper.  He is such a cheerful soul and always makes me smile!!

My other thing is my Mary Engelbreit calender.  I first came across this artist when a friend gave a small book her quotations 'Life is just a chair of bowlies'.  Now I have a calender every year, it is a treat and I keep all the illustrations, which one day I will make into a little book. I have jumped ahead to November and the quotation is by Leonard Cohen (another all time favourite person) and it says something like  'When your heart is broken, then there is a crack where the light can come in'.  Someone very dear to me has had a tempestuous time of late, but it is true a lot of light has been shed on the matter in question.

Well, this is all rather heavy, and of course when the going gets very tough, the tough eat chocolate (or cake!!!) There is nothing better for the soul (but not the waist) than making a big cake and then munching it!!

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