It was Christmas and we had a lovely time. Usually I just try to make one thing, but this time I managed to finish knitting three little things for Christmas presents. The night before delivering I was wrapping up, finishing the little things until 2 am all with the help of a little sherry. (I don't drink very much at all, but when it gets to December then its time to break open the sherry!)
Here are some pictures of the things I made
My latest lovely books I am knitting from are Noahs Knit's and Tiny Bears to Knit and Crochet
I hope to make a whole Noah's Ark full of animals - I have always loved Noah's Arks and for a long time dreamed of making a wooden one, but that is a whole lot of new skills but knitting I can do. I have digressed a little and made a bright green pig for Jacob and am now making a lavender one (with lavender in) for a special young lady! Pictures of these another day.
I have also purchased reading glasses to help with sewing and embroidery and a special marking pen for embroidery, but so far no time for this.
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.
(also loving my Molly Makes calender and keep forgetting to buy double pointed needles to make the lovely owl wrist warmers)